Woodblock printing is a knife in a wooden block carved into the bulge to the anti-write, and then the ink, printed on paper. 雕版印刷是用刀在一块块木板上雕刻成凸出来的反写字,然后再上墨,印到纸上。
Block printing in Yangzhou is called "living fossil" in the history of printing. In2009, block printing was listed in the international intangible heritage. 雕版印刷在印刷史上有“活化石”之称,扬州是中国雕版印刷术的发源地。2009年,雕版印刷成为扬州市首个入选世遗的项目。
Silkscreen block printing Memory participated in Sino-Korea International Block Print Exhibition. 丝网版画作品《记忆》参加中韩国际版画展。
Jackson-Harris explains that printers often used the same printing block over and over again, adding corpses as and when necessary. Such nuances, she says, not only fascinate collectors, but determine rarity and therefore prices. 杰克逊-哈里斯解释说,媒体经常一再使用这个图片,在需要时还会增加尸体。她表示,这其中的微妙之处,不仅让收藏家着迷,还决定了它的稀有性,当然还有价格。
A major limitation of wood block printing is that each new message requires carving a new block of wood, and carving is a slow and tedious process. 木刻版印刷有一重要缺陷,即第一新的图文信息需要雕刻一块新的木版,而且雕刻木版是一个又慢又繁琐的过程。
Block a plate for printing; block the wheels of a car. 为了印刷把图板用木块支撑起来;把车子的轮子支撑起来。
( printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words. (印刷)一块没有雕刻字符的字模;用来在两个字之间留出间隔。
The printing block is made of pear wood. 这个雕版是用梨木做的。
Engraved or otherwise prepared for printing block 凸印版,已雕刻或用其他方式制备的,印刷用
As the youngest art of printing in the world, silk screen block printing shares the same unique form of expression with copperplate etching, lithograph and xylograph. 丝网版画和铜版画、石版画、木版画有着共同的独特表现形式;丝网印刷是世界上最年轻的印刷工艺。
Incomplete Liao Zang is wood block for printing edition, which reflects Chinese characters'features after applying wood block for printing technique. 《辽藏》残卷是雕版刻本,反映了应用雕版印刷技术以后的汉字面貌。
Song Dynasty rapid development of woodblock printing technology, enables people to gradually replace manual transcription with block printing to produce books. 宋代雕版印刷技术的迅速发展,使得人们逐渐用雕版印刷技术替代人工抄写来制造书籍。